December 23, 2019

Go: Useful Development Workflows

Code Coverage, Static Code Analysis, Tests, Releases? What else? Probably a few more things, but you get the point. These are all things that are expected to be part of a modern day development workflow. While this is becoming the norm in companies, a lot of pet open-source projects still skimp on these things. And frankly, I did too. I wasn’t going to bother hosting my own Jenkins behemoth just so my soon-to-be abandoned project could run a few builds. Read more

September 20, 2019

Go: Spin-Up Databases for CI Testing

One thing has always bothered me while writing tests is the lack of a real datasource to run tests against. Most projects I’ve worked with in the past have either mocked responses from a datastore or used a “common” datastore to perform tests against. While mocks are good for quick unit tests, I still prefer using a “real” datasource, especially for integration tests. While taking Bill Kennedy’s Ultimate Go training a while ago, I saw Bill recommend a testing approach which involved “spinning up” a database container right from within your test code, run your tests, and clean-up. Read more

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